Subsequent to the introduction of new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in May 2018, British Airways had to require us to change the existing joint procedures, obtain legal clearance on our documentation and get new, individual, contact approval from each of our over 3,000 members. To achieve the latter, early last year, we were required to use the BA system to email every member with a request for them to confirm their approvals. This we did. To date we have received less than a 50% response rate and, under GDPR, we aren’t allowed to contact members who haven’t given permission.
Without each of these steps being completed, we were not even able to contact some of our sick members to send them their membership entitlements. This has been an extremely lengthy, complex and arduous process. It has only been fully completed in early 2020 and now we are having to deal with a massive backlog. We are achieving that. Thank you for your understanding and for bearing with all of the volunteers who freely give their time to run the Air Cabin Crew Fund.
If you are a member, and haven't done so already, as a matter of urgency please reply to this email a copy of which can be downloaded here ->